Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 8, 2008
Poetry. I despise it. I do like some of it, but mostly, NO. I don't mean to sound mean (talk of poetry) in any of this, but reading poetry almost makes me feel my head getting heavier with Iron (III) Hydroxide. I'd ask a personal favor to anyone doing a psychology PhD or something - Please do a dissertation involving understanding a poet's (modern/medieval doesn't matter) mind. I would really like to know what the fuck goes on in their minds.
Less ironically sounding, metaphorical sense makes the most sense to me. Actually, that's the only thing which makes sense. Anything else => Iron(III) Hydroxide.
Poetry, they say, can be on any topic (especially after Renaissance when poets apparently showed the middle finger to the conservative old fellows, and started writing poems about everything). The world, human feelings, nature, life, well, alright, a whole list of things. I find it hard to think which amongst these is the worst. But my guess would be, um, I don't know.
Well, I accept I'm incapable of understanding poetry, but still, I don't get the point. How can these fellows (Note that Fellows has 'Fe' = Iron) write lines that make no sense? Oh, I get the point, you poetry lovers, it does make sense, but not to me right? Yes. I get it I get it. But I'm sorry. I can't smile at you and clap at you when you ask me to understand how beautiful it is when a stone talks to you or a bark of a tree signifies circles of life or when a snake tells you how not to go on a straight path and other such nonsense.
Some songs have wonderful lyrics, again, mostly metaphorical. I have no problems when poems or lines make sense. It's only when they talk of the obvious, or force you to see the beauty in stuff like what I just mentioned above, it's pissing off.
Give me prose any day.
This post is a result of my frustration of having to go through some poetry of late.
Less ironically sounding, metaphorical sense makes the most sense to me. Actually, that's the only thing which makes sense. Anything else => Iron(III) Hydroxide.
Poetry, they say, can be on any topic (especially after Renaissance when poets apparently showed the middle finger to the conservative old fellows, and started writing poems about everything). The world, human feelings, nature, life, well, alright, a whole list of things. I find it hard to think which amongst these is the worst. But my guess would be, um, I don't know.
Well, I accept I'm incapable of understanding poetry, but still, I don't get the point. How can these fellows (Note that Fellows has 'Fe' = Iron) write lines that make no sense? Oh, I get the point, you poetry lovers, it does make sense, but not to me right? Yes. I get it I get it. But I'm sorry. I can't smile at you and clap at you when you ask me to understand how beautiful it is when a stone talks to you or a bark of a tree signifies circles of life or when a snake tells you how not to go on a straight path and other such nonsense.
Some songs have wonderful lyrics, again, mostly metaphorical. I have no problems when poems or lines make sense. It's only when they talk of the obvious, or force you to see the beauty in stuff like what I just mentioned above, it's pissing off.
Give me prose any day.
This post is a result of my frustration of having to go through some poetry of late.
Friday, August 29, 2008
i am back
ok......long tym no posts..........(not so long actually jus 2months,thts lyka whoosh compared to my previous breaks from posting).......b4 i go on ramblin things i want to make clear firstly.....i am sorry , i kno wat i hv done bothers u but i sincerly hope u forgive me(to my brother),congrats bindra,vijendra,sushil n jhaji,thank u susti for unabashedly askin ur notes,lab journal n god knos wat not ovr gtalk n not evn try n thank u in person ,sincerely hope one day i find the words to put across to u n tell u how i grateful i m to u......fuck u sidhaarth sengupta ....ur the lousiest fkin scum ther evr is ,was or evr will b on this planet......ok os thats let me upd8 u to my life in bit past 2 months.
hostel 5-b sux(thers jus one plugpoint for the room,fans regulator doesn work,mobile signal jammed,internet seems to b sufferin frm amnesia forgets its here to work smday,showers wid no nozzles,first fkin day without water n electricity felt lyk sm govt coll,outrageous mess bill for shitty food,n thats not evn half the reason y m so pissd with this hostel).......honestly this is the first tym i hv missd friends,yea i kno they live in 5-a but its jus not the same as livin in the same hostel.things tht were so common for us guys a sem back seem so special now,like goin to jaundice dhaba for a chai seems like a in bit bit hasn seemd so dull evr.......for the first few weeks all we spoke of was gsachs internships,CL classes,placements n how much we h8 2k5 for being our seniors.classes aint a big cheer either.......feels lyk history (hons) honestly .highway engg,geodesy n astronomical survey,cost plannin n project management.......WOW .....what a thrill.......all the complainin apart had my share of fun too......bday came n went by.....all tht i remember of it is my atm balance takin a nose-dive,went to jadavpur university for a QUIZFEST,got royally raped by schoolgoers there.moral of the story RANCHi ke sher are calcutta ke chuhe.speakin of quizs, thinkin of takin hostel quiz league to the next cynical at first ponderin ovr the pros n cons of managin a full-fledgd club in bit but the inaugration of THE ECOLOGY N ENVIRONMENT LOVERS SOCIETY ws the last straw n i sed "oh well!what the hell"(ref:CATCH_22 read the buk if u hvnt yet).......
mid -sems in a weeks tym so dont xpect another post in the next few weeks.........
'll keep in touch.......
*ps-thanxalot shrill,tan,kala n jha for reposin my faith in postin articles for my blog......atleast i kno now sm1 out ther reads it......sorry hadnt lukd into the blog for a long tym leave alone the comments page......i promise i'll acknowledge ur comments in the future
hostel 5-b sux(thers jus one plugpoint for the room,fans regulator doesn work,mobile signal jammed,internet seems to b sufferin frm amnesia forgets its here to work smday,showers wid no nozzles,first fkin day without water n electricity felt lyk sm govt coll,outrageous mess bill for shitty food,n thats not evn half the reason y m so pissd with this hostel).......honestly this is the first tym i hv missd friends,yea i kno they live in 5-a but its jus not the same as livin in the same hostel.things tht were so common for us guys a sem back seem so special now,like goin to jaundice dhaba for a chai seems like a in bit bit hasn seemd so dull evr.......for the first few weeks all we spoke of was gsachs internships,CL classes,placements n how much we h8 2k5 for being our seniors.classes aint a big cheer either.......feels lyk history (hons) honestly .highway engg,geodesy n astronomical survey,cost plannin n project management.......WOW .....what a thrill.......all the complainin apart had my share of fun too......bday came n went by.....all tht i remember of it is my atm balance takin a nose-dive,went to jadavpur university for a QUIZFEST,got royally raped by schoolgoers there.moral of the story RANCHi ke sher are calcutta ke chuhe.speakin of quizs, thinkin of takin hostel quiz league to the next cynical at first ponderin ovr the pros n cons of managin a full-fledgd club in bit but the inaugration of THE ECOLOGY N ENVIRONMENT LOVERS SOCIETY ws the last straw n i sed "oh well!what the hell"(ref:CATCH_22 read the buk if u hvnt yet).......
mid -sems in a weeks tym so dont xpect another post in the next few weeks.........
'll keep in touch.......
*ps-thanxalot shrill,tan,kala n jha for reposin my faith in postin articles for my blog......atleast i kno now sm1 out ther reads it......sorry hadnt lukd into the blog for a long tym leave alone the comments page......i promise i'll acknowledge ur comments in the future
Saturday, June 14, 2008
even after authoring close to 50 posts under 4 different blogs i still cant figure this out.when i want to write for my own sake ppl dont seem even the least bit interested but wen i try writin for ppl i jus dont feel attachment to the subject whatever it may i decided to throw in the towel ,m not gonaa write about the story of a fountain pen coz i simply dont give a fuck.i dont intend to use as propaganda to get me a job ,i think if ppl wanted to get me employed they'd better be bothered about plenty of other things than my blog.i am gonna b a sissy,cry n crib n complain,maybe smtyms discuss what makes me happy.coz the whole intention of starting my blog was to channel out the hours of thought i put into arbit stuff while trvelling in abus or train,or midway during an exam or feeling left out in a crowd n at those very instants thought damn i shud b writin this down smwhere.i read other blogs n find material or atleast sm inspiration for my next post n cant help but b awed by the comfort oher ppl hv while discussin stuff or writin jus crap poetry,i dunno y but whenevr i sit down to write the next post my mind goes blank.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
the ink pen

whatever happened to the ink pen???(quit the wisecrack,i know all pens run on ink,i am talkin abt the fountain pen).back in the good ol days,the ink pen was a very common sight,prolly coz of the very popular myth made popular by certain old fashioned english teachers that the reynolds 045 made our handwritings worse(wonder what has happened to that pen too).its an altogether different experience ,writing with the ink pen.the ink stains on the fingers at the end of the school day gave me such an immense satisfaction of supposedly having worked so hard at school .the impressions left on the fingers on having held on to the pen tight ,the superiroty enjoyed over other pens in a pen fight,and jus the sheer beauty beats any ordinary ball pen any day.the entire ritual of refilling the pen with royal blue chelpark ink evry altrnate night felt like shaving for the middle school wasnt until fifth standard that we were allowed to fill out notebooks with ink.pencils were the order of the day prior to that,to correct the spelling errors.i dont kno what happened ,but after a coupla years the people using ink pens diminished,partly attributed to the introduction of the ball point pens with the scented ink*(todays was the company,if my memory serves me right).students went crazy behind it,sniffing their notebooks after finishing evry sentence smelling the bubble gummish perfume .but evn at that tym ppl still stud by their hero pens and parkers for the unit tests and half yearlys.then came the advent add gel pens,bringing with it the sad end of the fountain pen era.i dont kno wat it was about those pens but teachers seemed to be in love with the aqua blue/turquoiseish type of colur.then they added grips to the pens making the use of ink pens for pen fights evn more redundant.but things are a bit different at my dad still uses an ink pen,my brother is an ardent hero pen fan. the costliest pens in the world are still ink pens.but over the years i have seen its no. diminish from endangered to almost extinct.thiss will turn just as obsolete an invention as the film roll camera and the dvd player ,the floppy disk and the desert cooler.
i have become half an engineer,yes the results were out this week and surprise surprise i passed.though i dont feel evn a wee bit more educated than i was 2 years back.i hope i donbt end make making this very same statement 2 years down the doesnt matter much to me though,coz engineering never was and prolly never will b my cup of tea.lets face it i just wasnt cut out for strength of materials,khurmi,punmia and the works.what i am actually destined to succeed at is not clear to me as well.i have had conversations wid me more than once on this subject,on wat would suit me as a career i can pursue long i go about it in a logical way.discuss my likes and dislikes and conclude how it might concur with a viable career opportunity.very first in the priority list is travelling.when i start working it should involve me going places,this idea was sowed n since fermented from wen i used to b addicted to lonelty planet/globe trekker on discovery way back wen i was in my 5th standard and didnt face the obstacle of obtaining a set top box to watch discovery this guy ,ian wright ,the person who used to host the show,i fell in love wid him n envied his lifestyle.i mean the very idea of getting paid to travel the world used to fascinate still does.ever since then a lot many things happened.i changed schools,conditional access system came into action,although the former made me rethink my priority in a more prominent way.firstly coz the school i newly moved to (psbb,chennai)made me discover things about me which prolly i wudn hv cared to pay attention to otherwise.for instance ,certain opportunites offered to me at school made me realise that i was quite an actor ,a very gud one.ppl began noticing yme,for my talent then n encouraged me to get on the stage more often.and after a while i was not orating memorised stuff on stge in front of ppl.the content was original,in most cases extempory and funny.meanwhile my english improved manifolds in a span of 2 years and i discovered writing,and to gather inspiration for it from books,tv,movies etc.i am a very special person when it comes to coming up with ideas.then i thought of becoming an advertising copyrighter.coz all i had to do was come up wid ideas to sell stuff thru ads.the idea of making a gud movie,or writing a gud book has always been at the back of my mind.evn to this d8 all of this seems to inspire me,to fascin8 me,the need to b ne one of the aforesed professionals is still as fresh as evry lil kids desire to b a pilot or an astronaut.but in a way engineering in a way has helpedd me more than evr to reinforce the idea of becoming a travelling advertising copyrighter/author/actor/filmaker/author/pilot coz with each passing semester i realise what a useless engineer i am goin to become.
Monday, May 19, 2008
summer vacations '08
Here i am at home having no worthwhile tym pass to keep myself busy.Yes its tht tym of the year wen i redefine my LSS(life support system) frm cigarettes and cs to tv and the net.While my mom is still contemplating on getting a tata sky i am still left with the 20 odd sorry ass free to air channels to watch and kill tym.Its ok though coz this tym the cable op has taken some sympathy to my condition n allows set max to b telecast jus during the IPL matches.So that keeps me occupied for quite a bit.The interstin part though is nothing pertaining to the cricket mathces being played.Its the ads tht r shown n between overs;and interestingly they dont annoy me as much as they used to some tym back.Finally thers some brain quotient there to the ads n i am impressd .Quite a few ads caught my attention n ere are a few u just must not miss this summer.
1.Vodafone-they are back at it n they are better than ever .The kid and the dog are always a hit foemula.
2.citibank-yes,the one with metro citi card with that awwwsome song "jhoom jhoom"(kailash kher the vocals i guess.the ad totally captures the essence of dilli with all people that are shown swinging side to side.the other citibank ads are nice too,but this one was special.
3.havells-i kno,surprise inclusion,the one with the "bijli" girl faintin n havells fans savin it.its a gud play,for such an obscure product comin up wid a fancy idea is always tough but this one has done the job.
4.slice-this is wat celebrity endorsement should be all about.If you manage to get your audience to pay attention to the star you have sold the product and katrina looks absolutely DDG.
5.Mcdonalds-the one with the nutty rockstar,nothin new added to the theme .its the same old McD ad but the rockstar has done a briliant job .wonder where they found him.
6.Godrej-the good morning sir ad,abstract theme where godrej's planned to get some brand recognition revitalised,catches your attention the first tym you watch it.
7.sunsilk-the ad in which priyanka chopra stars,nothing special except the music.well shot ad.
8.brittania good day-the ad in which the tte goes bonkers.awwsome jig he goes into.
9.Airtel-madhavan and vidya balan star in this one.get the message across quite nicely
10.xcd-125cc-the one which the 2 guys meet at a signal n discuss their respective bikes,well thought of.
11.onida xaria-although the conception of the ad is pathetic ,the haunting voice of the lady in bacground catches your attention(well all she says is aaja)
12.motoyuva-the ad in which dad imitates son.......well made. mobiles-yes,the one where mahalingam calls candy foxxx,hilarious script.....i wonder who wrote it.
13.tata sky active whizkids-dad n son on learning,watch out for the part where the kid cries n dad licks lollipop......funny funny funny.
well thats all that i could recall,but some ad campaigns still piss me off,ne beauty cream,the cola ads have dropped their standards big tym,soaps,kingfisher,modular switches and pan masala ones.
before all that my favourite ad of 2008 would most definitely be the mintrox candy ad,masterpiece.
more of wat i hv been upto during the holidays in the next post........
1.Vodafone-they are back at it n they are better than ever .The kid and the dog are always a hit foemula.
2.citibank-yes,the one with metro citi card with that awwwsome song "jhoom jhoom"(kailash kher the vocals i guess.the ad totally captures the essence of dilli with all people that are shown swinging side to side.the other citibank ads are nice too,but this one was special.
3.havells-i kno,surprise inclusion,the one with the "bijli" girl faintin n havells fans savin it.its a gud play,for such an obscure product comin up wid a fancy idea is always tough but this one has done the job.
4.slice-this is wat celebrity endorsement should be all about.If you manage to get your audience to pay attention to the star you have sold the product and katrina looks absolutely DDG.
5.Mcdonalds-the one with the nutty rockstar,nothin new added to the theme .its the same old McD ad but the rockstar has done a briliant job .wonder where they found him.
6.Godrej-the good morning sir ad,abstract theme where godrej's planned to get some brand recognition revitalised,catches your attention the first tym you watch it.
7.sunsilk-the ad in which priyanka chopra stars,nothing special except the music.well shot ad.
8.brittania good day-the ad in which the tte goes bonkers.awwsome jig he goes into.
9.Airtel-madhavan and vidya balan star in this one.get the message across quite nicely
10.xcd-125cc-the one which the 2 guys meet at a signal n discuss their respective bikes,well thought of.
11.onida xaria-although the conception of the ad is pathetic ,the haunting voice of the lady in bacground catches your attention(well all she says is aaja)
12.motoyuva-the ad in which dad imitates son.......well made. mobiles-yes,the one where mahalingam calls candy foxxx,hilarious script.....i wonder who wrote it.
13.tata sky active whizkids-dad n son on learning,watch out for the part where the kid cries n dad licks lollipop......funny funny funny.
well thats all that i could recall,but some ad campaigns still piss me off,ne beauty cream,the cola ads have dropped their standards big tym,soaps,kingfisher,modular switches and pan masala ones.
before all that my favourite ad of 2008 would most definitely be the mintrox candy ad,masterpiece.
more of wat i hv been upto during the holidays in the next post........
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