Saturday, June 14, 2008
even after authoring close to 50 posts under 4 different blogs i still cant figure this out.when i want to write for my own sake ppl dont seem even the least bit interested but wen i try writin for ppl i jus dont feel attachment to the subject whatever it may i decided to throw in the towel ,m not gonaa write about the story of a fountain pen coz i simply dont give a fuck.i dont intend to use as propaganda to get me a job ,i think if ppl wanted to get me employed they'd better be bothered about plenty of other things than my blog.i am gonna b a sissy,cry n crib n complain,maybe smtyms discuss what makes me happy.coz the whole intention of starting my blog was to channel out the hours of thought i put into arbit stuff while trvelling in abus or train,or midway during an exam or feeling left out in a crowd n at those very instants thought damn i shud b writin this down smwhere.i read other blogs n find material or atleast sm inspiration for my next post n cant help but b awed by the comfort oher ppl hv while discussin stuff or writin jus crap poetry,i dunno y but whenevr i sit down to write the next post my mind goes blank.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
the ink pen

whatever happened to the ink pen???(quit the wisecrack,i know all pens run on ink,i am talkin abt the fountain pen).back in the good ol days,the ink pen was a very common sight,prolly coz of the very popular myth made popular by certain old fashioned english teachers that the reynolds 045 made our handwritings worse(wonder what has happened to that pen too).its an altogether different experience ,writing with the ink pen.the ink stains on the fingers at the end of the school day gave me such an immense satisfaction of supposedly having worked so hard at school .the impressions left on the fingers on having held on to the pen tight ,the superiroty enjoyed over other pens in a pen fight,and jus the sheer beauty beats any ordinary ball pen any day.the entire ritual of refilling the pen with royal blue chelpark ink evry altrnate night felt like shaving for the middle school wasnt until fifth standard that we were allowed to fill out notebooks with ink.pencils were the order of the day prior to that,to correct the spelling errors.i dont kno what happened ,but after a coupla years the people using ink pens diminished,partly attributed to the introduction of the ball point pens with the scented ink*(todays was the company,if my memory serves me right).students went crazy behind it,sniffing their notebooks after finishing evry sentence smelling the bubble gummish perfume .but evn at that tym ppl still stud by their hero pens and parkers for the unit tests and half yearlys.then came the advent add gel pens,bringing with it the sad end of the fountain pen era.i dont kno wat it was about those pens but teachers seemed to be in love with the aqua blue/turquoiseish type of colur.then they added grips to the pens making the use of ink pens for pen fights evn more redundant.but things are a bit different at my dad still uses an ink pen,my brother is an ardent hero pen fan. the costliest pens in the world are still ink pens.but over the years i have seen its no. diminish from endangered to almost extinct.thiss will turn just as obsolete an invention as the film roll camera and the dvd player ,the floppy disk and the desert cooler.
i have become half an engineer,yes the results were out this week and surprise surprise i passed.though i dont feel evn a wee bit more educated than i was 2 years back.i hope i donbt end make making this very same statement 2 years down the doesnt matter much to me though,coz engineering never was and prolly never will b my cup of tea.lets face it i just wasnt cut out for strength of materials,khurmi,punmia and the works.what i am actually destined to succeed at is not clear to me as well.i have had conversations wid me more than once on this subject,on wat would suit me as a career i can pursue long i go about it in a logical way.discuss my likes and dislikes and conclude how it might concur with a viable career opportunity.very first in the priority list is travelling.when i start working it should involve me going places,this idea was sowed n since fermented from wen i used to b addicted to lonelty planet/globe trekker on discovery way back wen i was in my 5th standard and didnt face the obstacle of obtaining a set top box to watch discovery this guy ,ian wright ,the person who used to host the show,i fell in love wid him n envied his lifestyle.i mean the very idea of getting paid to travel the world used to fascinate still does.ever since then a lot many things happened.i changed schools,conditional access system came into action,although the former made me rethink my priority in a more prominent way.firstly coz the school i newly moved to (psbb,chennai)made me discover things about me which prolly i wudn hv cared to pay attention to otherwise.for instance ,certain opportunites offered to me at school made me realise that i was quite an actor ,a very gud one.ppl began noticing yme,for my talent then n encouraged me to get on the stage more often.and after a while i was not orating memorised stuff on stge in front of ppl.the content was original,in most cases extempory and funny.meanwhile my english improved manifolds in a span of 2 years and i discovered writing,and to gather inspiration for it from books,tv,movies etc.i am a very special person when it comes to coming up with ideas.then i thought of becoming an advertising copyrighter.coz all i had to do was come up wid ideas to sell stuff thru ads.the idea of making a gud movie,or writing a gud book has always been at the back of my mind.evn to this d8 all of this seems to inspire me,to fascin8 me,the need to b ne one of the aforesed professionals is still as fresh as evry lil kids desire to b a pilot or an astronaut.but in a way engineering in a way has helpedd me more than evr to reinforce the idea of becoming a travelling advertising copyrighter/author/actor/filmaker/author/pilot coz with each passing semester i realise what a useless engineer i am goin to become.
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